How to Use Orange Peel for Weight Loss

How to Use Orange Peel for Weight Loss

Homemade Orange Peel Scrub – Benefits & How to Prepare – Over exfoliation can damage our skin, but zero exfoliation doesn't do any good either! Exfoliation is must if you are after a naturally healthy and glowing skin. Exfoliating your skin doesn't necessarily mean to get a tub or tube of scrub and start rubbing your face with that. The right way to exfoliate your skin is to be gentle and use a mild scrub. And you can always rely on homemade natural exfoliators which are mild yet effective on your skin. One of the best way to prepare a homemade scrub is by using orange peel powder. It has multiple benefits for skin, starting from curing acne, blackheads to boosting complexion. It also provides anti oxidant support to our skin. Find out below how to prepare orange peel scrub at home.
Check – 15 Wonderful Benefits of Orange for Skin, Hair and Health

Orange Peel Scrub, Home remedies for healthy skin, Homemade scrub for healthy skin, Orange peel for skin care, Skin benefits of orange peel

Benefits of Orange Peel for Skin

  • Orange peel is a great source of vitamin C. In fact, it contains more amount of vitamin C that the fruit itself. This high amount of vitamin C helps to boost our skin health in multiple ways.
  • It helps with skin whitening and brightening. Melanin is the natural pigment, present on the skin and it is responsible for our skin color. More amount of melanin results in deeper skin tone. Vitamin C has the ability to reduce melanin synthesis, thus lightening our skin color.
  • Orange peel scrub also helps to treat acne and blackheads. Orange peel powder provides natural exfoliation for our skin. It helps to remove the impurities from skin surface and open up the clogged pores, thus controlling breakouts.
  • Being a natural astringent, orange peel powder scrub helps in removing excess oil from the face, which also helps in reducing acne. It can disinfect the pores as well as shrink the large pores.
  • The high amount of anti oxidants present in orange peel fight off the free radicals and protect the skin from various damages, including acne, skin darkening, dull skin, premature aging, etc.
  • Due to its skin whitening benefits, orange peel scrub works wonderfully to lighten acne scars and marks, thus helping us achieve a clear and healthy skin.
  • Orange peel is high in vitamin C, which is a powerful anti oxidant. Vitamin C helps in boosting collagen production in the skin, thus reducing the appearances of wrinkles and lines and restoring the youthfulness of the skin. It boosts skin cell regeneration and helps with skin brightening and whitening.
  • Orange peel is a good source of several skin friendly minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium etc. Calcium is a vital mineral for skin as it helps in treating dry, flaky and itchy skin, by boosting cell-renewal rate.
  • Potassium helps with skin hydration, by allowing the skin to preserve moisture. Magnesium delays the aging of the skin by preventing oxidative stress in the skin cells.

How to Prepare Orange Peel Powder at Home?

For preparing homemade orange peel scrub, you can use store bought orange peel powder or prepare your own by following this method.

Take 3-4 medium sized oranges and remove the peel. Cut them up in to thin slices. Spread the orange peel slices on a tray and place it under the sun. Cover the tray with a thin piece of cloth or paper. It may take up to 2-4 days for the orange peels to dry up. Once they are dried up, powder them using a grinder. Store in an airtight container and use to prepare your own DIY orange peel scrub.

How to Prepare Homemade Orange Peel Scrub

1. Simple Orange Peel Scrub

How to prepare simple orange peel scrub?

Take a tbsp orange peel powder and mix it with required amount of water. Apply it all over the face and neck. Massage gently with your fingertips for few minutes and after some time, wash off with plain water. Repeat this 2-3 times in a week for naturally glowing skin. This is the easiest way to prepare orange peel scrub.

Natural remedies for healthy skin, Home remedies for healthy skin, Homemade scrub for healthy skin, Orange peel for skin care, Skin benefits of orange peel

2. Aloe Vera and Orange Peel Scrub

How to prepare aloe vera and orange peel scrub?

Take a tbsp orange peel powder and add some pure aloe vera gel to it. Mix together and apply it all over the face and neck. Using your finger tips, massage the skin in gentle circular motion for exfoliation. Continue massaging for some time and then, leave it on the skin for few more minutes. Finally wash off using plain water. Reapply this aloe vera and orange peel scrub twice or thrice weekly.

Benefits –

Aloe vera gel contains 96% water and more that 200 healing phyto nutrients as well as 18 amino acids. It is, hence, no wonder to be known as the miraculous plant to solve all our skin problems. Being rich in water, aloe vera offers great moisturizing benefits. It is non-comedogenic, which means aloe vera doesn't clog pores and hence, can be used for all skin types.

With regular use, aloe vera repairs dry skin and softens our skin texture. It can reach deep in to the skin layers and provide a boost of moisturization as well as nourishment. Thus, it repairs the cell damage and enhances our skin health. Aloe vera also helps to exfoliate the upper layer of the skin and remove the impurities, thus making skin clear, healthy and soft. The vitamins present in aloe vera help nourishing the damaged skin cells and also strengthen the skin tissues to further improve our skin texture.

Collagen is a very important structural protein for our skin and any deficiency can cause saggy skin with lines and wrinkles Aloe vera is extremely beneficial to boost collagen synthesis in the skin. It contains 'gibberellin' and 'glucomannan' and both components help promoting collagen synthesis in the skin.

The anti oxidants present in aloe vera also help with boosting cell growth which also results in better skin health. Also, it helps protecting the skin cells from free radicals as well as environmental elements to help avoiding various skin concerns, such as acne, dull skin, skin darkening etc.

Aloe vera contains mucopolysaccharides, a long chain sugar molecule. It helps in balancing the moisture level of our skin and also boosts collagen production in the skin, thus keeping the healthy and youthful. The polysaccharides in aloe vera also supports skin cell regeneration process.

UV exposure also damages our skin severely. Aloe vera, with its anti inflammatory properties, helps to treat sun damaged skin and provide quick relief from the itchiness, redness and dryness.

3. Turmeric Powder, Coconut Oil and Orange Peel Scrub

How to prepare turmeric powder, coconut oil and orange peel scrub?

Take a tbsp orange peel powder and a generous pinch of turmeric powder. Add few drops of coconut oil to that and prepare a paste. Apply this all over the face as well as neck and massage the skin for few minutes in gentle circular motion. Wait for 10 minutes and after that, wash off with plain water. Repeat this homemade orange peel scrub twice in a week.

Benefits of orange peel for skin care, Home remedies for healthy skin, Homemade scrub for healthy skin, Orange peel for skin care, Skin benefits of orange peel

Benefits –

Turmeric Powder –

Turmeric has been used extensively for skin lightening and brightening. It is a great source of curcumin, a powerful anti oxidant as well as anti inflammatory agent. Curcumin helps with skin cell regeneration. Plus, turmeric contains vitamin B6 that also helps with faster regeneration of skin cells. As a result the damaged cells get replaced by the new, healthy cells and skin becomes softer, clearer and brighter. We know melanin build up makes our skin look dark and patchy. Curcumin can reduce melanin synthesis and lighten our skin tone naturally.

Being enriched with anti bacterial, anti septic and anti inflammatory properties, turmeric helps massively with acne treatment, giving us healthy and glowing skin. When we use turmeric powder on the face, it provides mild exfoliation benefits.

It helps in unclogging pores and removing the impurities as well as excess oil from the face, thus reducing the chances of breakouts. Not just acne, but turmeric helps to fade away stubborn acne scars as well, with its anti septic, anti oxidant as well as exfoliating benefits.

Turmeric is extremely beneficial to protect the skin from sun damage as well. UV radiation increases the production of MMP-2, an enzyme that decreases the collagen content between the outer and middle layer of the skin. As a result, our skin becomes susceptible to wrinkles, thick skin, loss of elasticity, etc. Turmeric can inhibit the increase of that enzyme and protects skin from the harmful affects of UV exposure.

Turmeric works great for extremely oily skin. The extra oil on our skin is the result of underlying dehydration, which forces the sebaceous glands to produce excess oil. That excess oil gets deposited on the skin surface. Not only turmeric can absorb the excess oil, but it can also calm down the over-active sebaceous glands by providing the skin with required moisturization, thanks to its fatty acids and phytosterols.

Dryness is another factor responsible behind the dullness of the skin. Turmeric contains calcium, a vital mineral for our skin. The uppermost layer of our skin consists of a large amount of calcium and any deficiency of this mineral can make the skin dry and flaky. The calcium content of turmeric helps to heal dry skin effectively. Also, this herb is a source of potassium, another important mineral for our skin. Potassium helps to hydrate and moisturize the dry skin cells.

Turmeric comes with great anti aging benefits. It contains vitamin C which helps with boosting collagen production in the skin and maintain skin's natural elasticity. This in turn, makes skin less susceptible to aging signs such as wrinkles, lines etc. Turmeric contains magnesium, that helps to slow down the aging process of the skin.

Coconut Oil –

Coconut oil is a wonderful natural moisturizer for our skin. In fact, it is a bliss for those with dry skin. Coconut oil is a source of medium chain fatty acids and triglycerides, which help retaining skin's natural moisture content. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil are extremely beneficial for skin nourishment as well as protection.

When used on the skin, coconut oil forms a protective layer on the skin surface that helps to prevent water loss from the skin pores. Thus, skin remains moisturized, soft and supple. Coconut oil contains a good amount of vitamin E as well. This vitamin comes with anti oxidant properties. It protects the skin from dryness caused by free radicals and environmental elements, such as UV exposure. Also it can replenish the skin with the lost moisture as well as strengthen the connective tissues of the skin, thus preventing dry and saggy skin.

Coconut oil is highly beneficial for infection-prone skin. It is enriched with natural anti fungal as well as anti inflammatory benefits, that help treating skin infections and reducing skin inflammation. The protein content of coconut oil also help improving cellular health and repair the damaged skin tissues, thus improving skin texture and health over time.

Regular application of coconut oil can promote collagen production in the skin and keeps the skin firm and smooth. It helps in delaying the appearances of aging signs, such as wrinkles, fine lines etc. Plus, coconut oil has natural exfoliating properties. When massaged on to the skin, it can remove dead skin cells from the skin surface and makes skin soft and supple.

One of the best advantages of using coconut oil is that it can get absorbed by the skin easily. The fatty acids present in coconut oil are structurally similar to the fatty acids found on our outer skin layer. This helps coconut oil to reach the deepest layers of the skin, providing a boost of moisturization and nourishment and thus, repair the damages and improve our overall skin health.

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4. Raw Milk and Orange Peel Scrub

How to prepare raw milk and orange peel scrub?

Take a tbsp orange peel powder and mix it with some raw milk. Prepare a paste and apply it all over the face as well as neck. Gently massage the skin with your fingertips in circular motions for few minutes. Let it sit on the skin for another 10 minutes and then rinse off with plain water. Repeat this raw milk and orange peel scrub twice or thrice weekly.

Homemade scrub with orange peel, Home remedies for healthy skin, Homemade scrub for healthy skin, Orange peel for skin care, Skin benefits of orange peel

Benefits –

Raw milk works as a excellent natural toner for our skin. It helps to enhance our skin's natural elasticity. Raw milk can be used for all skin types, but it particularly works great for those with dry skin. When used topically, milk can reach deeper in to the skin layers and provides nourishment to the skin cells to help repair damaged skin.

Minerals are very important for our skin. The texture of our skin depends on certain minerals, like calcium, potassium etc and any deficiency of those can result in extremely dry and flaky skin. Milk is a good source of both potassium and calcium. The outer layer of our skin consists a large amount of calcium. Both potassium and potassium help keeping the skin layers hydrated and moisturized from inside, thus preventing dryness.

Along with calcium and potassium, milk comes with magnesium as well. It is another vital mineral for our skin. Dry skin is more prone to early aging, and magnesium helps to slow down the aging process of the skin.

Along with minerals, milk comes loaded with various vitamins as well. The vitamins help in nourishing the skin from within and repairing the damages. Vitamin A present in milk boosts sebum production in the skin, and repairs dry, flaky skin. Together with vitamin B6, vitamin A supports new and healthy cell formation, which further helps to make skin even toned, soft and bright. Milk has vitamin B12 in it, which is also beneficial to soften our skin texture.

In addition, milk is a good source of vitamin D. Vitamin D has anti oxidant benefits. Also, it helps in promoting collagen production to restore skin elasticity, reduce the aging signs and maintain soft, supple skin. Biotin or vitamin B7 is also present in milk plays a vital role in keeping skin soft and smooth.

Milk contains protein components as well. They help us achieve a healthy skin by repairing the connective tissues of the skin, and also smoothen out the aging signs. Milk contains lactic acid, which is an AHA. Lactic acid exfoliates the skin, and along with that, it also nourishes and moisturizes the skin. This helps to ensure skin stays healthy, glowing supple and smooth.

These were few simple ways to prepare homemade orange peel scrub. Not just for face, but you can use orange peel for full body exfoliation as well. We often throw away the peel after eating oranges, but now you know what to do with them right away!


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