How to Read Abs Codes Without a Scanner
A-list abs
Get a body worth baring with these celeb-tested toners.

Side-to-side twist
Works: works obliques
Kneel with butt on heels and bend forward, arms outstretched, palms planted on an exercise ball. Rotate ball right until you feel a deep stretch in left side, stabilizing with left hip (as shown). Rotate ball left, stabilizing with right hip. Do 10 reps to each side.
Squat and reach
Works: works abs, legs, chest, back
Squat deeply with lower back leaning against ball, butt slightly off floor, feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep elbows bent and at sides, hands at chin level. Straighten legs and reach overhead, rolling back onto ball until entire body is outstretched (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps.
Shoulder circle
Works: works abs, shoulders, butt
Lie faceup on ball, knees bent 90 degrees, left foot pointing out. Lean slightly on left side with arms overhead, palms up. Reach right arm around body in a large circle (as shown). Do 10 clockwise, then 10 counterclockwise; switch sides and repeat.
Inner-thigh lift
Works: works abs, legs, butt
Lie with left side on ball, left hand on floor, right foot on floor in front of left thigh, right hand on hip. Keep left leg straight, foot flexed, while lifting it as high as you can (as shown). Lower. Do 10 reps; switch sides.
Straight-leg raise
Works: works abs, butt, hamstrings
Lie faceup, arms on floor at sides, palms down. Place calves on ball and lift hips. Raise left leg as you bend right knee, press right heel into ball and roll ball in toward butt (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps; switch legs.
Booty bridge
Works: works abs, butt, hamstrings, hips, back, shoulders
Sit on ball, feet hip-width apart, arms folded. Walk feet forward, leaning back so ball rolls under head and shoulders. Squeeze glutes, lifting through hips (as shown) for two counts. Lower hips to floor; rest for one count. Do 10 reps.
Single-leg lunge
Works: works abs, butt, legs, back
Stand with arms overhead, palms together. Extend right leg behind you with top of foot on ball, knee bent. Straighten right leg, pushing ball behind you, as you bend left leg 90 degrees (as shown). Return to start. Do 10 reps; switch legs.
Frog legs
Works: works abs, butt, legs, back
Lie facedown on ball, palms flat on floor, elbows soft, knees bent, soles of feet touching. Press feet together, squeezing butt as you lift legs toward ceiling as high as possible without straining lower back (as shown). Hold for one count, then lower. Do 10 reps.
The dive
Works: works entire body
Crouch and straddle ball between knees, hugging it with both arms. Push off feet to dive over ball, bringing legs together, landing on hands, elbows bent, thighs on ball (as shown). Hold for one count; push back to start. Do 10 reps.
Side leg extension
Works: works abs, legs, butt, back
Lie faceup with arms at sides, palms down. Bend right knee 45 degrees and rest leg on ball with hips off floor, abs engaged, left leg extended toward ceiling. Lower left leg across body as far as you comfortably can, toes pointed, keeping shoulders on floor (as shown). Slowly return to start. Do 10 reps; switch legs.
Warrior lift
Works: works obliques, inner and outer thighs
Crouch and press left hip into ball, rounding left side over it. Keep arms overhead, palms in. Extend right leg out to side in line with torso. Lift and lower torso off ball (as shown). Do 10 reps; switch sides.
Side crunch
Works: works abs, shoulders, arms, legs, butt
Start in push-up position, knees bent, shins resting on top of ball. Keeping knees together throughout movement, rotate hips, rolling ball to left (as shown). Twist back to center, then twist right. Do 10 reps on each side.
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How to Read Abs Codes Without a Scanner
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