1 Explain What Judicial Review Is and Trace Its Origins

Concept of Judicial Review

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Judicial Review | Overview

  • Concept and Origin of Judicial Review
  • Judicial Perspective
  • Methods of Ramble Review
  • Limitations to Judicial Review
  • Determination

Judicial Review tin be defined every bit the judiciary'due south ability to review the legislation made past the Parliament on the Constitution. It falls under the ambit of Judicial Review. Presently, in our country, the Rule of Law is followed which makes the Constitution the supreme constabulary of the state and stands taller than any other laws. Too, whatever statute which is non in consistency with the Supreme Law is held to be void.

Judicial Review creates a organisation of checks and balances between the Judiciary and the Legislature by giving the judiciary the power to review any law made by the Parliament and farther hold it to be void if it is not in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution.

There are two very crucial functions that judicial review sought to perform, commencement of legitimizing government activeness, and second, being protecting the constitution by existence encroached by the government.

I. Concept and Origin of Judicial Review

While adopting the Constitution by the Constituent Assembly in 1950, no particular provision stated the Constitution to exist the leading law of the country. Subsequently it was realised that a declaration of such nature was accounted to exist superfluous. There is a system of administration of Powers between the States and the Union. Farther, the three branches of the government, the judiciary, executive and the legislature, were differentiated in the powers and the jurisdiction they had. Nobody was expected to interfere with the functioning of the other bodies, as then the distribution of powers will concord no significance. Hence, the supremacy of Constitution has been regarded to be a part of the basic structure of the Indian Constitution, which cannot be severed or destroyed even by the procedure of Ramble amendments.[1]

Unlike to the provisions of the American Constitution, Commodity thirteen of the Constitution of India establishes for the provision of judicial review to maintain the sanctity of fundamental rights. Aslope, Articles 32 and 226 piece of work in the enforceability of these rights. Judiciary is the merely organ of the government that maintain central rights and enforce the supremacy of the Constitution through the means of Judicial Review. Judicial review tin be a review regarding any acct or legislation simply it is called Constitutional Review when it specifies itself with reviewing the Constitution.

One of the invaluable contributions of the American Constitution to the Indian Constitution is the concept of judicial review. Its origin can be traced back to the outcome of judicial judgement and has been alive due to the continuance of sure conventions. Chief Justice Marshall of the American Supreme Court was instrumental in developing this concept. The inception of judicial review tin be granted to the Marbury v. Madison instance[2] in which it was observed that "the constitution is either superior paramount law, unchangeable past ordinary means or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts and like other acts are alterable when the legislature shall delight to modify it." The power of the judiciary to examine the laws made by the legislature was laid down in this instance. If the courtroom did notice a law to be in contravention to the principles of the Constitution, and then it would be held ultra-vires.

The importance of Judicial Review is that they generate a network of checks and balances on the laws passed by the legislature. Ane more important feature of Constitutional review is that the higher courts can asses and review the judgements of the lower courts. Its aim is to protect individual rights, create a residual of power in the government and to secure equality for every individual. The concept of civil liberties would non be the same without the inclusion of judicial review.

At that place were numerous objectives while Judicial Review was formulated past Justice Marshall:

  1. To propagate the concept of supremacy of the Constitution.
  2. For maintaining federal equilibrium i.e. balance of power between states and the centre.
  3. For the protection of the core primal rights of the individuals.

II. Judicial Perspective

The Noon Court has immensely widened the scope of judicial review with the case of Maneka Gandhi 5. Union of India[3]. The concept of natural justice was accustomed by the court every bit a main ingredient of law thereby importing the American principle of "due process of law" into the Constitution of India.

The courage which laid the foundation of the reviewing ability of the Supreme Court was laid down in the landmark judgement of A.M. Gopalan v. State of Madras.[iv] Not only the principle of judicial review was expanded, only at the same time, a set of guidelines were evolved which ultimately would prepare the pattern for the basic norms of judicial approach to be imbibed in the Constitution. It is a long march from "Gopalan" to "Golaknath" with respect to the scope of the judicial review, but also with regard to the social impact of such review.

Golaknath[5], is 1 of the most meaning cases where the Apex Court opined that the Spousal relationship Legislature has no right to repudiate the Primal rights that are granted by the Constitution through an amendment. Information technology was thus instrumental in making the fundamental rights superior to the parliament and its constituent power. This was only done past using the power of judicial review.

As a effect of the higher up cases, finally in March 1994, the Supreme Court in the case of S.R. Bommai 5. Wedlock of India[vi], which is besides famous by the proper noun of Assembly dissolution case, widened the telescopic of judicial review even further. Presently, judicial review (Constitutional review) is considered to exist an essential element of the bones construction of the Indian Constitution.

Iii. Methods of Constitutional Review

A. Judicial Review

The notion of judicial review is not stated expressly in the Constitution. Withal, it has been quite instrument in reviewing the laws and amendments brought to the Constitution. The Constitution has granted the Wedlock Legislature the power to improve the Constitution.[7] The main questions that ascend in this regard are, "Can the fundamental rights exist amended? Does the word 'law' in clause (two) of Commodity thirteen include a Constitutional Subpoena for the purpose of judicial review?"

The answer to the question of whether a Constitutional Amendment is a 'police' under Commodity 13 was given past the court in the case of Shankari Prasad five. Matrimony of India.[8] Information technology was observed must only consider an ordinary law and an amendment fabricated to the constitution nether volition not fall inside the ambit of the police.

Golak Nath case reversed the determination by not accepting any distinction between "legislative" and "constituent" process. In order to remove the difficulty arisen from Golak Nath's case, the 24th Ramble Amendment was brought that declared that in Manufactures 13(iv) and 368(3) , the process of amending the Constitution is not 'police force' and nothing contained in Article 13 shall exist applicable to the amendments under Article 368.

Finally, in the case of Kehavanada Bharti[9], the Apex Court laid downwardly the doctrine of "Bones Structure" so that the basic philosophy of the Constitution could not be hampered by the Legislature.

B. Political Review

The sovereignty described in terms of Parliament is termed as Parliamentary Sovereignty. In that location can be a two-fold way to bargain with this supremacy – 1 may give outright supremacy keeping the Legislative view or decision to the concluding say in issues of evacuating boring shadows emerging out of trouble in constitutional understanding, and another view keeping or maintaining the parliamentary power in i territory while in different regions the task of parliament might be confined or restricted.

AV Dicey has been instrumental in interpreting Parliamentary sovereignty-

"The Principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty means neither more or less than this: namely that Parliament thus defined has under the English Constitution, the right to make or unmake any police whatever and farther no person or body is recognized by the law of England having a correct to override or ready aside the legislation of Parliament."

Dicey bestows supreme power in the hands of Parliament for the enactment of laws on any field of study and not leap by the scrutiny of any authority. The judges are to simply interpret the constabulary. Hence, Dicey disapproves the similarity betwixt ordinary or fundamental laws. It glorifies the supremacy of the Parliament and no law fabricated by the Parliament can either be challenged or amended by whatsoever other authority.

Indian Parliament does not accept the verbal powers of supremacy similar that of the British Parliament. It works under the guidance of the Constitution of India and the American concept of judicial review prevails, which creates a system of checks on the Parliament then that it does not become absolute. Therefore, Republic of india strikes a residual betwixt judicial review and legislative activism by non giving the Parliament a supremacy over the Constitution of Republic of india.

C. Diffuse Model

This model, commonly known as the American Model, is the nigh widespread model, in which all the courts of a nation review the constitutionality of the laws and legislation with the help of procedural guidelines. The decisions are taken place inter parties only in such a model. And as a definite dominion, the matters relating to the constitutionality of legislation is retroactive.

This system has been successful in inspiring various countries in South and Central America, mainly beingness popular with the federal countries. Several countries oasis amended this system by introducing the European model as well, making it a 'mixed-model' which is followed by Venezuela, Peru, Brazil amid others.

The Diffuse arrangement has a provision in which proceeding is non brought up by the court ex officio but on the basis of the political party and the petition filed by it due to the violation of a legal right. This system focuses itself with diverse courts having the ability and say-so to decide on constitutional validity of legislation and statutes and no detail court has the absolute ability to practice that.

D. Concentrated Organization

This model of judicial review, which is also chosen the European or the Austrian model is a organisation utilized by Ramble Courts that work in the review of the constitutionality of rules[10]. These reviews are concluded in unique proceedings and all things considered, they are less across the lath. This model emphasises on the decisions of the constitutional review element convey an erga omnes touch, in that capacity; they may broadcast unconstitutional rules to be nullified. These decisions have an ex nunc result with time to come genius outcomes. Nations like Costa Rica, Chile, Republic of austria and a few European nations like Germany have adopted this model.

This is a less common arroyo when information technology comes to courts reviewing the constitutional status of a statute. In this system, there is a specific ramble review body which aims at alteration and reviewing the provisions of the Constitution. The decisions of the review torso have an erga omnes effect and the power to cancel unconstitutional statutes. Even though, the abolishment or the abrogation of the legislation happens only when the Courtroom bug it.

Inspired by the European model, Guatemala introduced a constitutional system of reviewing the constitution. Thus, the Constitutional Court became supreme in having the power to decide the unconstitutionality of statutes.

E. Successive Review

Successive review, also known as Retrospective Review tin can be understood past looking at the provisions of Article xiii(1) of the Constitution. Article 13 expressly puts forward what otherwise would have been implied, i.due east. the cardinal rights would agree supremacy over any other law if in that location is any inconsistency.

Commodity thirteen(1) deals with Pre-Ramble laws, i.e. legislations that are in force at the fourth dimension of showtime of the Constitution. All laws in strength, insofar every bit they are non in consonance with the fundamental rights, shall, become void to the extent of the inconsistency, from the engagement of implementation of the Constitution. They are considered void only if the competent courtroom hold them to be void and in contravention of the principles of Constitution.

F. Anticipatory Review

Also known equally prospective review, Article 13(two) deals with the future laws, i.e. laws enacted after the enactment of the Indian Constitution. This mean that the parliament is prohibited to make any legislation which is in contravention of the fundamental rights enshrined in Function III of the Constitution.

If a law is made is such contravention, then it shall be void to such extent. This point was elucidated in the case of State of Gujrat v. Ambika Mills Ltd.[11] Where Justice Mathew was of the stance that similar to a pre-constitutional law not being in contravention to the Constitution was held operative, likewise a postal service-constitutional police in the aforementioned regard would also be held operative. In the present case, the issue that was raised regarding the validity of a law that abridges the fundamental rights of the citizens under Article nineteen(ane)(f) to be void or not.

Iv. Limitations to Judicial Review

Even after the vast jurisdiction of the Indian Courts to review legislation passed by the legislature, at that place are certain limitations to judicial review:

Detention without Accuse or Trial and Procedure Established by Constabulary:

Article 22 of the Indian Constitution makes a special case to the major rights by blessing the Wedlock Parliament and State Legislatures to make laws all-around confinement without accuse or preliminary of people considered as a danger to security or request.

The words 'procedure established past police' were explicit and it was trusted that they would not give any extension for legal veto against transforming enactment. Past excellence of what was talked well-nigh over, the extent of the legal survey in India isn't as broad as in the United States. The American Supreme Courtroom can announce any law unconstitutional on the basis of its non being in "due process of law."

Declaration of Emergency

Another impediment on the intensity of the Supreme Courtroom is the Constitution'due south blessing of procedures for emergency rule nether weather where national or state security is undermined. Under emergency dominion, the forces of the national authorities, and specifically the forces of the official, over the country governments are definitely extended. Commodity 358 states that during the proclamation of Emergency under Article 352 the opportunities guaranteed past Article 19 are consequently suspended and would keep on beingness so far the time of emergency.

The adjournment of rights guaranteed by Article 19 forth these lines evacuates limitation on the legislative and official forces of the land forced by the Constitution. If a law is fabricated by the Country during this period can't be tested on the criteria that they are conflicting with the rights guaranteed past Article 19.

Martial Police force

Article 34 of the Constitution of India engages Parliament to reimburse by constabulary any individual in the administration of the Centre or a Land, or some other individual in regard of any sit-in done past him in relation with the upkeep or rebuilding of club in any identify inside the domain of India where Martial Constabulary is in ability. It tin too approve any judgement passed, dispensed, relinquishment ordered or other act done under Martial Law in such area.

Parliament can practice the force under Article 34 if they represent which the indemnity law is to be passed must be continued with the maintenance or restoration of lodge and the act must have been done while Martial Law was in strength.

Five. Conclusion

Similar to the case of the American Supreme Court, the Indian Apex Courtroom of Republic of india preserves the intensity of legal survey and this force has been clearly perceived by the constitution. Notwithstanding, we notice that its clout respective to 'legal audit' of application is more express than that of the Supreme Courtroom of America.

Even though the courts are equipped with the intensity of a legal survey, the equivalent tin can't be practised in a self-believing style. On the off chance that the law-production intensity of parliament isn't boundless, the courts' capacity to survey the laws passed by parliament is also not dizzying. The executive derives its powers from the constitution, like to various other organs of the regime. They can interpret and negate laws all the same they tin can't accept the law-making chapters; nor would they be able to requite that piece of work on any individual or organisation other than the government or common councils. Nor does the courtroom have the authority to hold some constitutional that is unconstitutional. One cannot discover sovereignty in the legislative or the executive, but only in the constitution itself.

[ane] Kesavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala, AIR 1973 SC 1461.

[2] 2. Led.60.

[3] 1978 AIR 597

[iv] 1950 AIR 27

[5] 1967 AIR 1643

[6] 1994 AIR 1918

[7] The Constitution of Republic of india, Art. 368.

[8] AIR 1951 SC 458.

[nine] AIR 1973 SC 1461

[ten] Corrado 2005

[eleven] AIR 1974 SC 1300.

  1. Meaning Of Constabulary Under Article 13(Opens in a new browser tab)
  2. Introduction to the Constitution of Republic of india, 1950(Opens in a new browser tab)


Source: https://www.legalbites.in/judicial-review-concept/

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